회계보조 구함- Accounting Assistant > 구인 Jobs > 새크라멘토코리아 SacramentoKorea
구인 Jobs

회계보조 구함- Accounting Assistant

Sacramento 0 1,559 2023.08.15 09:32
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고액 수수료, 고수익을 명목으로 한국계좌를 요구 또는 돈을 보내거나 받는 사람을 구하는 글은 절대 연락하지마시기를 바랍니다.
Please do not contact anyone who asks for a bank account, financial information, sends money, or seeks a recipient for high fees and high profits.
Job Description

Job Title: Accounting Assistant
Reports to: Accounting Manager
Job status: Full-Time

The Accounting assistant position exercises over employee’s reimbursement, Account Payable and Receivable, entering transactions into our internal programs and reconciling invoices with the organization’s policies and applicable laws. The Accounting assistant report to Accounting Manager in related with work role on daily basis.

Essential Functions

 Reconcile invoices and identify discrepancies (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
 Create and update expense reports
 Process reimbursement forms
 Oversee internal policies and procedures regarding business/travel reimbursements.
 Process accounts payable checks (vendor payments for supplies and services,
expense reimbursements, and other check requests.)
 Prepare bank deposits
 Enter financial transactions into internal programs
 Check spreadsheets for accuracy
 Maintain digital and physical financial records
 Issue invoices to customers and external partners, as needed
 Review and file payroll documents
 Participate in quarterly and annual audits.
 Ensure proper coding for all payable and receivable before entry into system
 Maintain Quick book for matching accounts payable invoices with appropriate documentation
 Monitor cash flow daily and prepare all necessary cash entries
 Assist with processing expense reports
 Handle and resolve vendor dispute. Question, and inquiries
 Review purchase orders and receipt documentation for correctness
 Perform reconciliations, analysis, and reporting related to assigned accounts.
 Assist in performing periodic audits of selected internal control procedures.
 Assist in preparation of supporting schedules related to quarter-end and year-end reporting
 Quick book users preferred

 Full Benefit Packages are available.
Medical (Health, Dental, Vision) + 401K
Paid time off, Holiday and Sick leave

 Contact
이메일 또는 문의 : andrew.[email protected]
새크라멘토 코리아 SacramentoKorea.com은 본 웹 사이트에 명시되어 있거나, 본 웹 사이트를 통해 배포되거나, 본 웹 사이트에 포함되어 있는 서비스로부터 링크, 다운로드, 또는 액세스되는 정보, 내용 또는 광고(총칭하여 "자료")의 정확성이나 신뢰성에 대해 어떠한 보증도 하지 않을 뿐만 아니라 서비스상의, 또는 서비스와 관련된 광고, 기타 정보 또는 제안의 결과로서 디스플레이, 구매 또는 취득하게 되는 제품, 정보 또는 기타 자료("제품")의 품질에 대해서도 보증을 하지 않습니다. 귀하는, 자료에 대한 신뢰 여부가 전적으로 본 웹사이트를 방문하신 귀하의 책임임을 인정합니다. 새크라멘토 코리아 SacramentoKorea.com은 서비스와 자료를 "있는 그대로" 제공하며, 서비스 또는 기타 자료 및 제품과 관련하여 상품성, 특정목적에의 적합성에 대한 보증을 포함하되 이에 제한되지 않고 모든 명시적 또는 묵시적인 보증을 명시적으로 부인합니다. 어떠한 경우에도 새크라멘토 코리아 SacramentoKorea.com은 서비스, 자료 및 제품과 관련하여 직접, 간접, 부수적, 징벌적, 파생적인 손해에 대해서 책임을 지지 않습니다. The SacramentoKorea.com jobboard is a platform for job postings and job search information. The SacramentoKorea.com jobboard does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any job postings or information provided by employers or recruiters. Job seekers are advised to thoroughly research potential employers and job opportunities before applying. The SacramentoKorea.com jobboard is not responsible for any transactions or interactions between job seekers and employers. By using this job board, you agree to these terms and conditions. This information may not be redistributed without the consent of SacramentoKorea.com


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